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Sanjay Nanda is a visual designer by profession and passionate about photography. Photography helps him release his intense creative urges and to communicate what he feels and sees. His experience as a visual designer helps him see beauty in mundane things. In his images he likes to use the interplay of light, textures, and colours to create unusual and complex forms that seduce the viewer. He has the ability to extract beauty out of ordinary surroundings and convert them into visually appealing images and at the same time using concepts and techniques that are grounded in the domain of fine art. His select artworks are part of various private collections. You can view some of his work here: [http://www.indipixgallery.com<http://www.indipixgallery.com]www.indipixgallery.com<http://www.indipixgallery.com>
Sanjay Nanda is also a Colour Management Expert and has been appointed 'Friends with Vision’ by Data Color the makers of Spyder colour calibration equipment. He conducts regular workshops on Colour Management for them.
FEATURED | Galley-quality photos printed exactly as intended, time after time. @ HP Success Stories. July 2015.Published in Better Photography, Show Case, April 2011Published in Smart Photography, Master Craftesman, July 2011Published in Better Photography, On Assignment: Yantra Mantra & its Spacial Art, March 2009

Complete Photographer - Sanjay nanda - Indipix images