munish khanna photography academy | Delhi | 9871020341
Best Online Photography course
Wish to Learn Photography ? Just bought new camera ? or have been struggling to get some good shots with a DSLR? This is the online Photography course which you will get the solution to all your Photography questions. Specially designed by Munish Khanna, for people who are not able to join our regular well-established photography courses being conducted since 1993.
You may be based in any other part of the world, it's quite simple to participate in this online photography course which is supported by a continuous support while you are being trained online across the country lines.
This online Photography course the following parameters during your lifetime membership.
DIRECT ONLINE TRAINING - Learn Photography directly from Munish Khanna through his practical and interactive online Photography sessions with well-written Photography tutorials and short training films. Go through these at your convenience and at your own pace. Keep moving ahead as you cover various Photography topics and stages as if you were reading a book or watching a film. No need to finish your online photography course fast or follow a deadline. These tutorials include everything that you need and none that you don't. Simple to understand, the online photography course includes photographs, complete technical and compositional information, tutorial films, behind the scenes coverage etc. Something you can't understand? simply skip it and move ahead. You can even come back to it later or simply ask us to explain you further ! so we actually converse while you learn, keeping track of your progress.

Its a myth that Photography is very technical. Even if it may be, Munish's online Photography course explains everything in very easy to understand language. After all, you want to be a Photographer and not a technician.

Whats Covered in our online Photography course ? - Everything from basic to Advance Photography. Well written tutorials are supported by Photographs, Illustrations and short films demonstrating the particular Photography topic. If you are not able to understand something, simply ask, and we will explain it more elaborately to you.

Where ever possible we have included the actual shooting footage in our online Photography course to give you a better idea about how to go about a particular shoot. Photography concepts are explained as the shoot progresses. It's hands on experience as you go through our online Photography course.

Know How on a vast variety of genres is included through tutorials, practical videos and demonstrations. This includes Fashion, Journalism, Weddings, Advertising, Street, Travel, Glamour, Food, Architecture and Interiors, Modelling and so on.

Feedback and interaction is important ! which is why we listen to you and interact with you. You can interact directly with Munish and express your viewpoints, discuss situations, ask questions or seek feedback on your photographs. Simply post images and questions and get comments and answers directly from Munish.
Whats More ? We intend to continuously update the content and add more and more tutorials, films and photographs at no additional cost. As you evolve as a photographer, you start participating in more mature discussions on photography and move on to the higher levels with your skills.

Critique is very important in any creative process. As long as you want, you can send in your photographs for a constructive critique of your learning. As you grow, you will start looking at things more artistically rather than just technically.

How does this online photography course work? sign up - pay - learn - interact - and very soon you will feel the difference! You will not only see an improvement in your photographs but an all new approach towards photography and your work!
Interested ? Its simple to Join in. And it never expires !

Who is a Complete Photographer ?
The one who can shoot any genre of Photography confidentaly. The one who specializes in a specific genre and does it perfectly !

“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.”
― E.M. Forster