Plan your shoot in your mind or better still on a piece of paper. Note down the sequence, props required, concept and everything that has come to your mind as you were conceptualising the shoot. Ofcourse you can make changes as you proceed with the shoot for improvement. This way, you do not miss out on important issues or points you want to highlight in your shoot. However, don’t overdo it also, let it be a starting point and your reflexes do the rest as per the situation.
concentrate on your shoot. Keep other things out of your schedule for that day. Un divided attention is what gives you the best results until you reach a point where you can handle small little routine jobs along with the shoot, although not advised. Your mind should be relaxed. Anyways, there sure will be unexpected distractions, don’t let them bother you, something you’ll learn over the time.
Don’t panic at all, If something is going wrong or the shoot is not working out the way expected, . That’s not even the last thing should do. If you have sensed the error while shooting, consider yourself lucky to have sensed it as you still have a chance to rectify the situation while everyone is available to you. After the pack up it might have been too late.